
A lot has happened over the past year, and for small and medium sized businesses the global pandemic has had a significant impact to both their short- and long-term outlooks. Some organizations thrived, some unfortunately closed up shop, while others simply had to find a way to survive. The good news, for those that have been able to weather the storm, is that there is finally light at the end of the tunnel. The big question now is…what will a post pandemic world look like for your company?  

Many things have changed, and companies will need to be nimble to adapt to the evolving landscape. From a procurement perspective, companies have been faced with unprecedented challenges resulting from the wild fluctuations in supply and demand of goods and services. For example, PPE, cleaning services and janitorial supplies have seen dramatic spikes in demand that no one would have forecasted at the beginning of 2019.  The reverse is true with corporate travel.  With practically the entire world locked down for most of 2020, travel spend came to a screeching halt. Will these trends continue in a post pandemic economy?  Some things seem certain (video conferencing is here to stay), while others are much more nuanced. Staying abreast of these unprecedented market conditions can be daunting. PEAQ Procurement’s team of experienced procurement leaders can help.

We are experts at conducting comprehensive spend diagnostics and supply market reviews to make sense of the changes you are seeing. Additionally, our category teams have years of experience strategically sourcing goods and services and can bring consistency and peace of mind in these volatile times. Through our rapid assessment capabilities and 100% remote working capability, our team can be deployed quickly to deliver both immediate and long-term sustainable results.


To find out more, please visit our website at www.peaqprocurement.com.

You can also reach out at [email protected] we are happy to help!

However big or small your challenge, PEAQ Procurement is here for you.

Stay healthy, safe, and together we will come out of this stronger than ever.



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